Cookies Policy


Cookies Policy

Viatsy (“Viatsy”, “we”, “our”) understands that privacy is important to the users of our services and visitors to our websites (“you”, “your”). We are committed to being transparent about our technologies in our services and websites. This Cookies Policy (“Cookies Policy”) explains how and why cookies (“Cookies”) may be stored on and accessed from your device when you use or visit our websites (“Sites”). Please read this Cookies Policy together with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. By accepting our use of cookies, apart from the functional cookies, you consent to our use of cookies as described below.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on a computer or other device, often including unique identifiers, used to enable certain features on our Sites and/or keep track of your browser activities, such as logging in and storing your user settings.

Cookies can also be used to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes.

How do our Sites use Cookies?

Like most online services, our partners and we may use cookies and similar tracking technologies, such as beacons, tags and scripts, to provide and personalise our services, analyse usage, administer Sites, target advertisements, and prevent fraud. Please also note that our partners may operate under their own privacy policies.

Types of Cookies that are used on our Sites

We use the below cookies on our Sites:

  • Functional Cookies

    Functional cookies enable our Sites to work correctly so you can create your account, log in, and manage your account. They also allow our Sites to remember and store your preferences and previous actions within the same browsing session. The functional cookies must be enabled to use our Sites and services.

  • Analytical & Marketing Cookies

    Analytical cookies allow us to analyse visits and traffic sources to our Sites so we can improve the user experience and analyse how our Sites are performing. We and our partners may use tracking technologies to collect and analyse certain types of information and generate web analytics and statistics. We and our partners may also use third-party cookies to display advertisements based on your browsing activities.

Cookies SubgroupCookies NamePurposesCookies Used (User Preference)cookies-acceptedPreference.First Party (User Session)viatsy-sessionFunctional. This cookie is used for remembering your form inputs when you navigate within Viatsy website.First Party (User LogIn)Access-tokenFunctional. This cookie is set when a registered user logs in.First Party
DataDogHQ.EU_dd_sFunctional. This cookie is set to monitor our systems and application reporting.Third Party
.google.com_ga_22CTZ5KH89, _ga, _gcl_auAnalytical. Google Ads and Analytics.Third Party
Meta_fbc, _fbpAnalytical. Meta Pixel.Third Party

Note that we cannot control your browser extensions; they can access to read, write, and delete the cookies on your browser. And, if they break the app, read, or create any new cookie, we are not responsible.

More information:

How do I refuse or withdraw my consent to the use of cookies?

You can delete your cookies at any time, forcing the consent banner to appear again for you to accept or reject the cookies. You can delete the cookies on our website following the help on this page:


Please note that it is necessary to refresh your page for your settings to take effect.

Contact Details

Any questions regarding our Cookies Policy should be addressed by email to [email protected].